SPE Solid Phase Extraction Kartuşları

Silikon üreticisi olarak girdiği kromatografi sektöründe Bonna-Agela Dünyanın sayılı kromatografi ürünleri üreticisi durumuna gelmiştir. Hemen hemen her sektöre ve aplikasyona hitap edebilen Bonna-Agela gerek ürün kalitesi gerek ise aplikasyon çeşitliliği bakımından kullanıcılar tarafından tercih edilmektedir.

Bonna-Agela Ürün Gamında;

-SPE kartuşları

-HPLC kolonları

-GC kolonları

-Filtrasyon Grubu

-Vial ve çeşitleri

-Flash Kromatografi cihazları ve kolonları


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Bonna-Agela is one of the very few original manufacturers of diatomite for chromatography. Bonna-Agela can provide diatomite at different pH, as well as a variety of surface modification,to meet different application needs. The particle size distribution was narrowed and the surface activity was controlled to avoid unwanted adsorption of analytes.

Classification according to the type of packings:


(1) Bonded silica gel

C18, C18-N, C8, NH2, COOH, Silica, PSA, PRS, SCX, SAX; All of them are made of high quality and low metal silica particles. Using the special surface modificationmethodology, the activity of silica surface is reduced largely, which in turn will reduce the tailing of compounds and will ensure high recovery and good reproducibility.

(2) Polymers:.

In order to expand the applicable scale and improve the absorption balance as well as the reproducibility of reversed phase SPE packing materials, new types of reversed phase SPE packing materials based on polar functional polymeric resins appeared in the late 90s of late century. The packing material is copolymerized by ketopyrrolidine and divinyl-benzene. With the introduction of polar functional groups by ketopyrrolidine, this type of SPE cartridge has even absorption to polar and non-polar compounds. It overcomes the following disadvantages of conventional C18 cartridges

(3)Non-silica adsorption phase:

Florisil, PestiCarb, Alumina(N, A, B). They are commonly used to remove polar interference from non-polar samples. Cleanert adsorption sorbents have high purity, high recovery and good reproducibility. They are widely used in sample preparation for environmental and food analysis.

(4) Mixed Phase

(5)Specialized series

(6) MAS (Multi-function Impurity Adsorption SPE)

Cleanert MAS is a simple sample treatment for bioanalysis which applies multi-function impurity adsorption to remove as many as interferences. It combines protein precipitation with SPE method, and achieve a faster and easier approach.

(7) Pretreatment cartridge of IC

(8) SLE

Solid supported liquid/liquid Extraction columns and plates use specially treated diatomaceous earth materials as a solid support for liquid/liquid extractions. Agela can provide different pH sorbents as customer requirement to make extraction of different properties substance. This kind of material were often used in clinical analysis, it also can be used to replace most of the analysis using Liquid/Liquid extraction (LLE).

(9)SPE Supplies

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SPE Solid Phase Extraction Kartuşları

